What is the average temperature in Brazil?

We’ll explore what the average temperature in Brazil is throughout the year.

Whether you’re planning a trip to experience the tropical heat of the Amazon or the milder climates of southern Brazil, you’re in the right place.

Understanding Brazil’s diverse climate will help you better prepare for your visit and appreciate the country’s rich environmental tapestry.

Understanding Brazil’s Climate Zones

Tropical Rainforest Climate

What is the tropical rainforest climate like in Brazil?

Brazil’s tropical rainforest climate is predominantly found in the Amazon Rainforest, which covers much of northern Brazil.

In this region, the average temperature remains high throughout the year.

The temperature typically ranges from 25°C to 30°C (77°F to 86°F), with minimal variation between seasons.

The Amazon’s climate is characterized by high humidity, often exceeding 80%.

According to data from the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), the Amazon’s temperature and humidity contribute to its lush biodiversity, supporting over 390 billion trees and a myriad of animal species.

For instance, cities like Manaus experience a steady average temperature of about 27 °C (81 °F) year-round.

Tropical Savanna Climate

What is the tropical savanna climate like in Brazil?

In the central part of Brazil, particularly in the Brazilian Cerrado, you’ll find a tropical savanna climate.

This region has a marked wet and dry season, with temperatures generally ranging from 22°C to 28°C (72°F to 82°F).

The rainy season, which typically runs from October to April, sees more consistent precipitation, while the dry season from May to September features less rainfall.

Data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) indicates that the Cerrado has distinct wet and dry periods, which significantly influence local agriculture and biodiversity.

Cities such as Brasília experience average temperatures around 24°C (75°F) during the rainy season and 27°C (81°F) in the dry season.

Subtropical Climate

What is the subtropical climate like in Brazil?

In the southern regions of Brazil, such as Porto Alegre and Curitiba, the climate transitions to subtropical.

This climate zone is characterized by more pronounced seasonal variations.

In summer, temperatures range from 20°C to 25°C (68°F to 77°F), while in winter, they can drop to 10°C to 15°C (50°F to 59°F).

According to the Brazilian Meteorological Institute (INMET), southern cities experience cooler temperatures compared to the tropical zones, making this region popular for tourists seeking a break from the heat.

For example, Porto Alegre sees an average summer temperature of around 24°C (75°F) and a winter average of about 12°C (54°F).

Average Temperatures by Region

Northern Brazil

What is the average temperature in northern Brazil?

In northern Brazil, the average temperature typically ranges from 25 °C to 30 °C (77 °F to 86 °F).

This region, which includes the Amazon Rainforest and cities like Manaus, experiences a warm and humid climate year-round.

The high humidity often exceeds 80%, contributing to the overall warm feeling of the area.

According to research by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Manaus has an average annual temperature of approximately 27°C (81°F).

The city does not experience significant temperature fluctuations throughout the year.

This consistent warmth supports the region’s lush biodiversity, including over 400 billion individual trees and countless animal species.

Central Brazil

What is the average temperature in central Brazil?

In central Brazil, including key cities like Brasília, the average temperature ranges from 22°C to 28°C (72°F to 82°F).

This region has a tropical savanna climate characterized by a distinct wet and dry season.

During the rainy season, from October to April, temperatures often hover around 24°C to 26°C (75°F to 79°F).

In the dry season, from May to September, temperatures can rise to 27°C to 28°C (81°F to 82°F).

Data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) indicates that the temperature variation supports diverse agricultural practices, such as the cultivation of soybeans and corn.

Southern Brazil

What is the average temperature in southern Brazil?

Southern Brazil, including cities like São Paulo and Porto Alegre, experiences a broader range of temperatures compared to other regions.

Here, the average temperature can range from 15°C to 25°C (59°F to 77°F).

In summer, temperatures in this region typically range from 20°C to 25°C (68°F to 77°F).

During winter, temperatures can drop significantly, reaching lows of 10°C to 15°C (50°F to 59°F).

According to the Brazilian Meteorological Institute (INMET), the winter months can be notably cooler, making it a favorable time for those who prefer milder weather.

For example, Porto Alegre experiences average temperatures of about 24°C (75°F) in summer and 12°C (54°F) in winter.

Real-life Examples

Tourism in the Amazon

What is the average temperature for tourism in the Amazon Rainforest?

When visiting the Amazon Rainforest, be prepared for high temperatures and high humidity.

This tropical paradise maintains temperatures that average around 27°C to 29°C (81°F to 84°F) throughout the year.

The Amazon Rainforest, with its dense vegetation and diverse wildlife, experiences consistent warmth due to its equatorial location.

Manaus, a major city within the Amazon, consistently records an average annual temperature of about 27 °C (81 °F).

Humidity levels in this region often exceed 80%, creating a warm and moist environment that supports its unique ecosystems.

For tourists, this means packing light, breathable clothing, and staying hydrated to cope with the high heat and humidity.

Festivals in Rio de Janeiro

What are the average temperatures during festivals in Rio de Janeiro?

Attending festivals in Rio de Janeiro offers a chance to enjoy the city’s warm climate and vibrant atmosphere.

During major festivals, such as Carnival, average temperatures typically range from 26°C to 30°C (79°F to 86°F).

Rio de Janeiro, known for its outdoor celebrations and lively street parties, enjoys consistently warm weather that enhances the festive experience.

For instance, during the Rio Carnival, which takes place in February, the city experiences temperatures averaging around 28°C (82°F).

The warm climate is ideal for outdoor festivities, beach activities, and exploring the city’s numerous attractions.


The average temperature in Brazil varies significantly, depending on the region.

From the steamy, consistently warm Amazon Rainforest to the cooler, more variable temperatures in southern cities like Porto Alegre, Brazil offers a diverse climate experience.

Understanding these regional temperature differences can help you better plan your trip, whether you’re exploring the tropical rainforests or enjoying the cooler southern regions.

This knowledge also satisfies curiosity about Brazil’s climatic diversity and helps in preparing for a visit to this multifaceted country.


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